(+60)17 515 8248


You may find some videos about manual and automatic tightening solutions below:

Assembly with advanced ergonomic aids

eTensil production efficiency

Tighten with Cobot: safey first!
eTensil – 4 start up modalities

Assembly with increased safety and less fatigue

Automatic screwdriver to reach small diameter recessed screw-holes

Assembly with TOM: quick and accurate processes
Auto feed screwdriver Fiam
Air nutrunners /tubenuts with in line open offset
Autofeed tightening module MCA
Pick and place AM system
Automatic tightening system of grub screws for door handles
Automatic tightening module on axis XYZ

TOM solves tightening errors
Air screwdrivers with triple air inlet and reversibility next to starting button
Semi-automatic tightening with Poka Yoke systems