The new TOM website is online!

Tightening errors? Screws forgotten or not tightened correctly? Errors in assembly sequences?

Now you can find out how to avoid all this and discover many other advantages on our new website entirely dedicated to TOM, the poka yoke monitoring unit of the tightening cycles that alerts the operator in case of error and end of cycle, eliminates the problem of forgotten screws and is able to block the work cycle in case of error.

All thanks to:

  • tutorial videos that will accompany you on the different detectable cases of error in the assembly lines;
  • wide section of F.A.Q. on the most frequent situations that occur every day in the production sites;
  • the presentation of the various operating configurations that can be obtained with manual or screw-powered screwdrivers, both pneumatic and electric.

Visit the new TOM website: